The Board shall have the power to appoint advisory committees. The Board may delegate to one or more committees, consisting of no more than one Board member or officer of the Corporation along with others designated by the Board, such limited duties as it may deem necessary or appropriate to accomplish the goals of the Corporation.

The Board may appoint standing committees as desired: such committees may include Finance, Governance, Development, Facilities and Operations, Academic Curriculum and Oversight, and Personnel. The Board may appoint additional standing committees or, as it may deem necessary, ad hoc committees, to promote the purposes and carry on the work of the Corporation.

Ad hoc committees may be appointed by the Board at any time to accomplish specific goals of the Corporation and generally are appointed for a period of time not to exceed two years.

Individuals wishing to serve on advisory committees may submit their resumes to the Board Chair.

Standing Committees of the Board of Directors are:

  • Facilities Committee: Chair, Rick Narkiewicz – Interim
  • Finance Committee: Chair, Natalie Callahan
    Finance Committee
  • Principal Contract and Performance Evaluation Committee: Chair, Joyce Wieland
  • Policies and Procedures: Chair, Joyce Wieland
  • School Surveys Committee: Chair, Kelly Andrews


Ad Hoc Committees of the Board of Directors:

  • Building Construction Committee:  Chair, Natalie Callahan