Lutz Preparatory School K-8 is a Hillsborough County Public Charter School of Choice serving Kindergarten – Eighth Grades


Click HERE to view Frequently Asked Questions and Lottery Information.

Please contact with any questions.

Florida State Statute, 1002.31 gives applicants who reside in Hillsborough County  preference over applicants who reside Out of County in our enrollment lottery. 

Transportation Acknowledgement:

As a public charter school of choice, Lutz Prep does not offer neighborhood pick-up and drop off by school bus. Parents provide transportation to and from school.

The Administration shall not permit, under any circumstance, Lutz Preparatory School (K-8) students to walk or ride bicycles from home to school and from school to home. The Lutz Prep campus is adjacent to Hwy 41 which is one of the most traveled and hazardous major thoroughfares in the area. There are no designated pedestrian crossing areas near the school’s entrance that are monitored by crossing guards during the school day, nor school zone traffic signals. The school site is situated in a commercial area that experiences high traffic volume, and therefore for reasons of personal safety to students, requires motorized transportation to ensure safe movement of all students to and from school.

2024-2025 School Year

  • The 2024-2025 School Year Enrollment Lottery opened to receive applications on September 1, 2023.
  • The enrollment lottery was held on Friday, February 16th, 2024.
  • The wait list will be used up through the 3rd quarter, March 2025 to fill any vacancies that occur.
  • Note: Florida law (Section 1003.21(1)(a)2, Florida Statutes) specifies that children who have attained the age of five years on or before September 1 of the school year are eligible for admission to public kindergarten during that school year based on rules prescribed by the school board. For the 2024-25 school year, students birthday must be on or before September 1, 2019.

2025-2026 School Year

  • The 2026-2026 School Year Enrollment Lottery will open to receive applications on September 1, 2024.
  • The enrollment lottery will be held on Friday, February 14th, 2025.
  • Note: Florida law (Section 1003.21(1)(a)2, Florida Statutes) specifies that children who have attained the age of five years on or before September 1 of the school year are eligible for admission to public kindergarten during that school year based on rules prescribed by the school board. For the 2025-26 school year, students birthday must be on or before September 1, 2020.

Grade Level Capacity and Seat Availability

Requirement per Florida State Statutes – F.S. 1002.31(2)(b)

Lotterease is a self-serve website that manages the enrollment lottery, the waiting list that is created post-lottery, and the parent notification emails.  Registered users can log into their account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to check their student’s status on the wait list.

Please contact or 813-428-7100 ext 154 with any questions.

Please note: we do not offer private tours or shadowing.


2025 Prospective Family Information Session

This event has reached capacity. Please check back periodically to see if any spots have opened up.

Lutz Preparatory School Enrollment Lottery/Wait List Application Information
Lutz Preparatory uses the Lotterease system to manage our enrollment lottery, waiting list, and notification process regarding enrollment.

Please click on the Lotterease links below to create a parent account, add your student to the lottery/waiting list, or view the applicant list for any grade.  With this system you can apply for the lottery and/or waiting list, check the results of the enrollment lottery, or view your current wait list position.

Click HERE to create a new parent account.

Already have an account?  Click HERE to login.

Click HERE to view Applicant List in any grade.

Please contact or 813-428-7100 ext 154 with any questions.

Florida State Statute, 1002.31 gives applicants who reside in Hillsborough County  preference over applicants who reside Out of County in our enrollment lottery.

Please make sure you are applying for the In County OR Out of County grade level based on your student’s residential address.  

Important note:  If your residential address changes after you apply for the lottery or wait list, you must change your application to the In or Out of County wait list accordingly.  If you are offered a spot at the school based on an In County Application and you no longer reside in Hillsborough County your spot will be forfeited and your application will be moved to the Out of County wait list.

Proof of residency will be required for enrollment at the time of offer for enrollment.

Proof of Residency Documentation Requirements for Hillsborough County Schools:

Verification of parent/legal guardian proof of residency by two of the following documents are required if you are offered and accept a seat at our school.

Lotterease is a self-serve website that manages the enrollment lottery, the waiting list that is created post-lottery, and the parent notification emails.  Registered users can log into their account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to check their student’s status.

Florida State Statute Enrollment Guidelines

Lutz Preparatory School K-8 is a Hillsborough County Public Charter School of Choice governed by Florida State Statutes 1002.31 and 1002.33 with regards to enrollment guidelines.  PLEASE NOTE:  These eligible student enrollment guidelines can change at any time by Lutz Preparatory School, Inc. Policy or by Florida State Statute.

Excerpt from FSS 1002.31 Controlled open enrollment; Public school parental choice.—

(2)(a) Beginning by the 2017-2018 school year, as part of a school district’s or charter school’s controlled open enrollment process, and in addition to the existing public school choice programs provided in s. 1002.20(6)(a), each district school board or charter school shall allow a parent from any school district in the state whose child is not subject to a current expulsion or suspension to enroll his or her child in and transport his or her child to any public school, including charter schools, that has not reached capacity in the district, subject to the maximum class size pursuant to s.1003.03 and s. 1, Art. IX of the State Constitution. The school district or charter school shall accept the student, pursuant to that school district’s or charter school’s controlled open enrollment process, and report the student for purposes of the school district’s or charter school’s funding pursuant to the Florida Education Finance Program. A school district or charter school may provide transportation to students described under this section.

(c) Each district school board must provide preferential treatment in its controlled open enrollment process to all of the following: (Please note, per Lutz Preparatory Policy, all applicants defined by the following student populations must provide official documentation for proof of this preference category).

1. Dependent children of active duty military personnel whose move resulted from military orders.

2. Children who have been relocated due to a foster care placement in a different school zone.

3. Children who move due to a court-ordered change in custody due to separation or divorce, or the serious illness or death of a custodial parent.

4. Students residing in the school district.

Excerpt from FSS 1002.33 Charter Schools. 


(b) The charter school shall enroll an eligible student who submits a timely application, unless the number of applications exceeds the capacity of a program, class, grade level, or building. In such case, all applicants shall have an equal chance of being admitted through a random selection process.

(d) A charter school may give enrollment preference to the following student populations:  (Please note, there are 7 student populations listed in the statute.  Per Lutz Preparatory School Policy, we give enrollment preference to #1, 2, 3, & 5)
1. Students who are siblings of a student enrolled in the charter school.
2. Students who are the children of a member of the governing board of the charter school.
3. Students who are the children of an employee of the charter school.
5. Students who have successfully completed a voluntary prekindergarten education program under ss. 1002.51-1002.79 provided by the charter school or the charter school’s governing board during the previous year.