2023-24 Reporting Student Absences (full or partial days)


    We request that parents rule out  communicable diseases by keeping their student home if they are not feeling well.
    Please call your student’s doctor or the Health Department (813-307-8085) for further guidance.
    Please click on the button below no later than 8:30AM on date of absence to report attendance.  Email all doctors/dentist notes and supporting documentation to Attendance@lutzprep.org
    To keep all our students and staff healthy and safe, please review the guidelines below in our Wellness Pledge and ensure your child is symptom free before returning to school. Please email any supporting documentation (medical notes/appointment slips) electronically to Attendance@lutzprep.org

As part of the Policy Agreement to our Lutz Preparatory School Handbook all parents agreed to the following 2023-24 Wellness Pledge (page 78):


I (We) understand the importance of following Lutz Prep’s Wellness Pledge to reduce the spread of illnesses. I (We) pledge to partner with Lutz Prep to help keep students and staff safe by committing to assist in creating and maintaining a safe, healthy, and academically engaging learning environment as follows:

  • I (We) promise to follow the Wellness Pledge.
  • I (We) promise to check my student(s) for symptoms before going to school and to keep them home to help control the spread of illness and communicable diseases if any of the following symptoms apply:
    • Elevated temperature >100.0 F
    • Vomiting or diarrhea within past 24 hours
    • Excessive mucus from nose or eyes, particularly greenish-yellow mucus
    • Rash
    • Persistent coughing or sneezing
    • Lice
    • Loss of taste and/or smell

*Student must be fever and/or symptom free for 24 hours without medication (ie: Tylenol/Advil).

  • I (We) promise to keep my student(s) home when they are symptomatic with any examples listed above until they are symptom-free for 48 hours. The school recommends contacting your healthcare provider for guidance.
  • I (We) promise to encourage and remind my student(s) of important healthy habits:
    • Hand Washing. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. (before and after eating, using restroom, returning from recess or outdoors, etc.)
    • Cover Your Cough/Sneeze. Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.
    • Avoid Touching Your Face. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth whenever possible.

*Electronic Student/Parent Signature of this Wellness Pledge is part of the overall agreement to the school policies.

As the parent/guardian of Lutz Prep student, I certify that I understand the above expectations and guidelines required by my student and enforced by myself as my child’s parent/guardian.