Leader In Me Monthly Newsletter: February

Leader In Me Monthly Newsletter: January

Link to all Leader In Me Newsletters


Lutz Prep is a Leader In Me Lighthouse School


Leader In Me at Lutz Prep

Leader In Me Program

We are thrilled to continue the Leader In Me program at our school, we have already seen our wonderful students embracing the program in all grades.  Please see the Leader in Me Parent Guide below to learn about several things you can do at home as a family to reinforce the principles your child learns at school.


Click HERE to view a video created by our 5th grade team for a quick tour of Leader in Me at our campus showing projects by students in all grade levels.  (The video is marked PRIVATE, please enter the password:  LutzPrep.)

The Leader in Me 7 Habits:

  1. Be Proactive
  2. Begin with the End in Mind
  3. Put First Things First
  4. Think Win-Win
  5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
  6. Synergize
  7. Sharpen the Saw

Lightning Leaders Monthly Citizenship Award:
As part of the program we have a monthly citizenship award that ties in directly to the program’s 7 Habits.  Each K-8 homeroom teacher will award one student a month that demonstrates the habit of the month and the student will be recognized by our administration.

Middle School Leadership Houses:
As part of our Leader in Me program for our middle grade students we have created Leadership Houses to help our older students build their leadership skills through teaming and student led activities.  Click HERE to view an overview of the Leadership Houses.

  • Click HERE to view the Leader in Me Parent Guide
  • Leader in Me Wildly Important Wellness Parent Training RecordingAnchor
    Our LIM Coach, Sharla Austin, recorded our Wildly Important Wellness parent training that was held on October 14, 2020.  We are thankful for the parents who were able to attend the training and made it a valuable session with lots of positive collaboration for everyone involved.  Please click on the link below to watch the recording of the session.
  • Meeting Recording: CLICK HERE
  • Access Passcode: Zc*Ns=5C